Once you have created some of your own new Favorites for Zen Light, share new settings you've created with friends, or with the World!
Favorites can be saved out to a single file, then anyone who has already installed the Zen Light screensaver
can double-click on the .zen file you created (or drag and drop it into the Zen Light dialog) to try it out.
Share Your Creation
Here you can choose a Favorite you've already saved, update the title, enter keywords, or even change your Nickname before submitting you design.
Share with World Once you register Zen Light, you can share anything you create to the World Library.
After adding some keywords, click 'Snap Screenshot' then 'Submit Now' to submit your design. That's it!
It will instantly be added to the Zen Light World Library and viewable by everyone through the Library tab, or in the World Library section of the Zen Light web site.
You can then enter a description if you like and click 'Update Library'.
For patterns you're already sharing, click the 'Update Now' button to submit an updated screenshot and go to the 'Shared Favorite Details' page. On this page you can
change the description or stop sharing.
Export to File Click the Export button to save your settings to a file, which can then be dragged into the Zen Light Window, or shared with others who have Zen Light.
See the World Library for .zen files others have created, or load them in directly from the Library tab in the settigns dialog.